Posted by: Mark | January 27, 2022

Malduin Map

I finally got around to enlarging the map to my Dungeons and Dragons campaign. It doesn’t look like the game sessions will resume anytime soon but I’ll have plenty of material if it ever does.

A map would be ideal for markers or paint pens but I moronically used pencil. As result, it took much longer to color, doesn’t look as good, and wasted supplies.

On the bright side, I’m going to make more than one map (this is for governments). I should have at least two that I can do better with.

The gray is an anarchy, a desolate wasteland without settlements or government.

The green/gray are necrocracies, ruled by the dead.

The red are magocracies, ruled by magic users.

The pink are theocracies, ruled by religion.

The purple are monarchies, ruled by hereditary.

The yellow is a dracoarchy, ruled by dragons.

The orange are cracy kleptocracies, ruled by criminals, either pirates or crime syndicates.

The dark green are wilderness, too wild to settle.

The black is an area of unworldly evil.

It looks like I’ll have time to come up with more details than anyone could want.

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